Tag Archives: 911 Museum

911 Museum…Remembering…Honoring

Amazing tribute. Seeing the dedication weighs heavy on the heart in much the same way that visiting Dachau concentration camp does. For those that were living on 911 you will remember that for a brief time Americans were a changed people. Time moved slower, people held doors for others, said “please” and “Thank you” and for a brief few weeks we were one nation under God doing unto other as…. The best way to honor those lost and those who worked tirelessly to save others is to go back to being a Nation that says, “please and thank you” a nation that cares for its neighbors, friends and fellow human beings. A nation that sees the good in everyone, leaves no one behind or alone. A nation that loves, not hates; a nation that lifts each other up and that gives selfishly treating each other with respect.

To forget this it to forget where we came from and what has made The United States such a great Country. Honor those and America through your actions and the message your heart carries!